- Posted By: ejbarrow_gss
- Posted: 2013-04-01 11:46:56
- Location: Remote
- Job ID: 19
Website A: This website will be designed for the same company with two main groups of activities. First group of activities will be in advisory services and consulting and Second group of activities in IT services including website hosting, design, etc. The name of the company speaks itself: IA-SEE (innovative alliance of South East Europe). This website will have a blog, a portfolio and a service inquiry form. The founder and the leader of first group of activities has established his company since July 2011 and is interested to give a genuine contribution in the development of intraregional and regional infrastructural projects in West Europe, Southeast Europe and Central and/or Euro Asian countries that would boost the economies of those countries, extend the economic cooperation among them and bring closer the West Europe with those two regions. The founder has an enormous work experience in energy related projects development and energy trading in West, East and Southeast Europe and is willing to continue his independent contribution in the energy sector as well as extend it in other fields of multiparty cooperation. The contribution of the new company in developing new energy projects and trading will be offered to the private sector as well as to the governments. In the Website A will be also a political subsection (blog) related also with the leitmotif of the founder to give his contribution bridging cultures and people by building and strengthening mutual trust among nations, strengthening the democracy and the rule of law, diminishing corruption and enhancing the cooperation of those regions with West Europe and China on the basis of mutual interests and not on the basis of new colonizing philosophies of big West swallowing small East. Website B: This website is for one of our clients. They are a company focused on developing green energy projects in West Europe and South East Europe (green energy innovative alliance). The company is developing the first biofuel project in Croatia (it will be a subsection fully dedicated to that project) for producing electricity (1.1 MW installed capacity) and pellets (with capacity 51 thousand tons per year). Considering that the company is also supported from a group of investors interested to develop Green Energy Projects, the website should represent in its content the green energy through a combination of green color with other environmental protection features and colors. We would like to kindly ask the candidates to make some researches based on the above underlined ideas of both Websites and come with as much as possible concrete proposals. For each of the two above mentioned websites A and B we need from the potential contractors to give us a detailed report what tools will you use to accomplish the required work. Last but not the least we need from the potential contractor a clear portfolio and quota inquiry. We expect the potential contractors to come with a final excellent product. The prices beyond the stated amount are not prohibited but must reflect the detailed work expected to be accomplished correctly. PS: Please find a couple of home pages with interest to be visited by you before you prepare the offer as well as some statements regarding similar activities that IA-SEE will be allied in the future through its growing staff. The founder has established close cooperation with those companies and/or organizations listed here-below. They are considered from the founder to be strategically quite important for cooperation with them and further development of IA-SEE activities. http://www.eca-uk.com http://www.ailsf.ch/ http://www.inercomp.com/?lang=en http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/ECAEXT/0,,menuPK:258604~pagePK:158889~piPK:146815~theSitePK:258599,00.html http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:21513875~menuPK:34480~pagePK:64257043~piPK:437376~theSitePK:4607,00.html Naske Afezolli Founder & Manager Director of IA-SEE GmbH
Skills Required
html, css, php
Budget (Approx)
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